Not all residents have equal access to the economic, educational, health, cultural, and social resources that are critical to succeed in Toronto.  Access to these opportunities often depends on where you live, how much you earn, and who you are, which creates dramatic divides in our city and a success gap that impacts us all. Toronto Public Library (TPL) is helping to address this by breaking down barriers to access for those who are most vulnerable.

Since 1997, the Toronto Public Library Foundation has raised over $108 million thanks to our generous community of donors, volunteers, corporate partners and supporters. Investment in the Library helps amplify and accelerate the exceptional work TPL does and has resounding impact on those in our city who rely on the Library’s free programs, services, collections and community spaces.


So why is TPL different?

Our 100 branches are safe and welcoming spaces to more than 10,000 visitors daily, and 70% of Torontonians trust and rely on us. No other public institution has the mandate and reach, physical and technical infrastructure, talent and community presence to empower Torontonians the way TPL does.

Learn more about the work we do at the TPL Foundation

Our Impact