Thank you for considering the Toronto Public Library Foundation as part of your estate plan. A well-planned will benefits you, your family and the charities you care about, and is an investment in the future of our city.
Why I give back to TPL
Leave a gift to Toronto Public Library in your Will
Toronto Public Library and you can both benefit from your thoughtful decision to leave a gift by Will or other estate gift in support of the Library. Supporters who include the Toronto Public Library Foundation in their Will or as a beneficiary of other estate planning options, become members of our HERITAGE SOCIETY and receive special
Gifts by Will
A gift in your will or a bequest is the simplest way to make a future gift in support of Toronto Public Library and wonderful way for you to leave a lasting personal legacy. You can leave a specific sum of money or property or a portion of the residue of your estate.
Click here to download a PDF of suggested wording for your will
Estate Planning programs are funded through partnerships with:
Announcing a special offer from Epilogue Wills
We are proud to partner with Epilogue to offer our supporters an exclusive 20% discount when you make a Will with Epilogue. Epilogue offers a simple and affordable way to create a Will and other documents online – in just 20 minutes. As you prepare your Will, consider making a bequest to your favourite charities, like the Toronto Public Library Foundation. Your gift will ensure a lasting legacy for generations to come.
Information for Your Lawyer(s):
Legal Name: The Toronto Public Library Foundation (Charitable arm of Toronto Public Library)
Charitable Business Number: 886554476RR0001
Address: 789 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario M4W 2G8
Contact for more information: Rhonda Sogren, Development Officer, Planned Giving at or 416-393-6263.
Gifts of Registered Plans
Donating funds from registered plans such as RRSP, RRIF and TFSPs is a tax-efficient way to make a legacy gift to the Toronto Public Library Foundation. During our working years, saving through registered funds is a great way to minimize taxes and increase our wealth. Upon our death, however, RRSPs/RRIFs become some of the most heavily taxed assets. A great way to reduce taxes payable on your estate is to donate all or a portion of the funds in registered plans to your favourite charity, like Toronto Public Library Foundation.
Gifts of Life Insurance
A gift of life insurance is an affordable way to transform small premium payments or an existing life insurance policy into a significant gift to benefit the Library. When considering a gift of life insurance, the option you choose depends on whether you want to take advantage of tax relief during your lifetime or for your estate.

Rhonda Sogren
Development Officer, Legacy Gifts