Why Toronto
Public Library?
Why Toronto Public Library?

Every donation matters. Every donation matters.

Everything is not equal.

Not all residents in our city have equal access to economic, educational, health, cultural, and social opportunities that are critical to succeed in Toronto. Access to these resources and opportunities often depend on where you live, how much you earn, and who you are, which creates dramatic divides in our city and a success gap that impacts us all.

Toronto Public Library is the biggest and busiest public library system in North America and our 100 branches represent a safe, welcoming and low-barrier point of access for vulnerable residents.

So why Toronto Public Library? Because 70% of Torontonians trust us and rely on us. No other public institution has the mandate and reach, physical and technical infrastructure, talent and community presence to empower Torontonians the way TPL does.

Toronto Public Library is committed to leveling the playing field for all Torontonians, focusing on vulnerable populations of all ages, including newcomers, Indigenous peoples, racialized and LGBTQ+ communities, and low-income residents.

Where your donation goes.

  • TPL’s Highest Priority Needs

    Funds are directed to areas that immediately help the city’s most vulnerable.
  • Technology and Training

    TPL offers free access to computers, Wi-Fi, digital training, educational programs and workforce development.
  • Inclusive and Flexible Spaces

    We provide safe and welcoming spaces, both online and in branches, to work, learn and foster community.
  • Equitable Access to Information

    Let’s remove barriers to ensure everyone has access to the tools they need for lifelong learning and success.

Donor-Supported Programs, Services and Spaces

Leading to Reading

This is a free service for children who are struggling with reading or need homework help. Young readers are matched with teen and adult volunteers to assist with literacy development and build their reading confidence.

About the program

Youth Hubs

These are drop-in spaces available at 23 TPL branches where teens can study, access free technology and interact with their peers. Librarians are always available to provide school support and connect teens with community resources.

Find a Youth Hub

The Bram & Bluma Appel Salon

A literary and cultural programming space on the second floor of the Toronto Reference that hosts local and international authors, like Margaret Atwood (in photo), in conversation about their books and big ideas.

Upcoming Events

Sun Life Musical Instrument Lending Library

Located at the Parkdale and Downsview branches, anyone can borrow an instrument for free with a valid library card. Choose from an collection of guitars, ukuleles, bongos, violins, and more!

About the MILL

Why I give to Toronto Public Library

“I have always felt welcomed and supported by TPL, which is precisely why I became a donor. If you believe in something wholeheartedly, I think you should support it.”

Sylvia, Library User and Planned Giving Donor

About Toronto Public Library