Establish or give to an Endowment Fund
A named fund is a meaningful way to honour a loved one or your own love of the Library and your commitment to the Library’s future. The fund will ensure that your capital is held over the long term and that the income earned provides a sustained source of funding for a program, service or area of Toronto Public Library that you are passionate about, like children’s literacy, civic engagement or collection support.
Named funds, expendable or endowed, may be established during one’s lifetime, through a bequest in one’s will, or a combination of the two. Your fund may be created with a minimum commitment of $25,000, payable over up to three years. Once established, friends and family may add to and grow your fund at any time, with no minimum amount. For more information, click HERE.
You may also choose to support an existing endowment with a gift of any amount. To donate to an existing endowment, please download and complete the Endowment Donation Form and mail it to the Foundation, or donate online.
Support an Endowment
John Charles Butler
Endowment FundSupport Author TalksDonations honour John Charles Butler, an avid Library user and lover, and support author programming at TPL
June Callwood
Endowment FundSupport Social JusticeHonouring the life, work and legacy of journalist, author and social activist June Callwood by supporting a lecture at TPL addressing social justice.
Buddy Chien
Endowment FundSupport Newcomer ServicesTo Buddy Chien, a newcomer to Canada, the Library was his home away from home and connection to the community. This Legacy Fund supports collections, programs and services for newcomers and the needs of the Scarborough Civic Centre Library branch
Rita Cox Endowment Fund
Support Heritage CollectionsThe fund supports the Rita Cox Black and Caribbean Heritage Collection at Toronto Public Library, which highlights the Black and Caribbean experience with special emphasis on Canadian content.
Jane Dobell Endowment Fund
Support Osborne LectureIn memory of Jane Dobell, a passionate supporter of children’s literacy and generous donor, donations will support the Sybille Pantazzi Lecture, on an aspect of children’s book history, held annually at the Osborne Collection at the Lillian H. Smith branch.
Grayce Margaret Griffith Endowment Fund
Support Home Library ServiceSupporting TPL’s Home Library Service which is our Library on wheels that brings materials to those who are housebound due to age, illness or disability.
Pauline and Gordon Hinch Endowment Fund
Support Staff DevelopmentThis Fund provides a full or partial scholarship for TPL staff who wish to become Librarians. Established by Pauline Hinch, a former TPL Librarian, and her husband Gordon, who saw the impact librarians have in our city and value of staff development at the Library.
Usha Kanakaratnam Endowment Fund
Get Kids Ready for ReadingThe Fund supports Ready for Reading, a program that encourages a lifelong love of reading and builds reading readiness for children birth to five years old.
Ann Keller Endowment Fund
Support Children’s ProgramsEstablished by Ann Keller, former Coordinator of Children’s Services, North York Public Library, the Fund supports collections, programs, services and staff development directed toward serving children ages 12 and under at TPL.
Rose and Milton Kirsh Endowment Fund
Support Groundbreaking InitiativesSupports groundbreaking programs and services, collections and community spaces at the Library. Every contribution to this Fund is an investment in literacy, education, culture and in the advancement of our world-class city.
Muller Scholastic
Endowment FundSupport Book Bash FestivalHonouring Lawrence Muller, retired president of Scholastic Canada, the Fund supports the annual Canadian Children’s Literature Festival, Book Bash, and promotes Canadian children’s authors and illustrators.
Thomas H. Orac
Endowment FundHelp Promote Equity and OutreachIn honour of Thomas H. Orac (born Harry Offenberg), a man with a passion for knowledge, and a love of books and of libraries around the world. This Fund supports TPL collections, programs and services that promote equity and outreach to our City’s underserved populations.
Jack Rabinovitch Reading Room Endowment Fund
Support Canadian LiteratureSituated on the fourth floor at the Toronto Reference Library, the Fund supports the ongoing programming and animation of this welcoming new space where Torontonians can discover a passion for Canadian literature.
Thomas Reed Endowment Fund
Support Highest Priority NeedsEstablished by Thomas and Helga Reed in 2019, the Fund supports the highest priority needs of Toronto Public Library, and honours the memory of Thomas Reed and his lifelong passion and support of the Library.
Sophie’s Studio
Endowment FundBoost Children’s Reading & Writing skillsSophie’s Studio funds a variety of programs that bolster the reading and writing skills of young children, including Writing Workshops and KidsStops.
Helen Weinzweig
Endowment FundSupport Toronto’s YouthAward-winning author Helen Weinzweig established this endowment to help support programs and services for youth at Toronto Public Library.
Liza Fernandes
Vice President, Operations & Governance
Rhonda Sogren
Development Officer, Planned Giving
Donate to an Endowment
To donate to an existing endowment, download and complete the Endowment Donation Form and mail it to the Foundation, or give a gift online.